25 January 2010

Monday again

Here we are at another Monday. Jonathan has Tues/Weds off these days so we call today FridayMonday.

This morning's workout was a lovely walk up the 23rd hill to Lawrence then a loop around. Up by the reservoir there is a strip of large, bushy, cedar shrubs. The type where the boughs hang all the way to the ground. I walked by there Saturday to three young male (I think) voices from inside the shrubs. They were making plans, daring each other to jump from heights that I can only guess were inside the tree, close to the trunk. I'm sure they saw me but I never caught a glimpse of them so I imagined they were some sort of tree sprites or maybe reservoir gnomes. Perhaps hilltop trolls. I used to do the very sort of thing as a kid. I loved to find a tree that hung all the way to the ground then turn it into my very own palace. I looked closer under the cedars today. For one thing I'm too big to do much moving around in there. For another it was wet, drippy, and embarrassed as I am to say it-dirty. I really don't mind getting dirty. I just think I need a bigger tree on a dryer day. Maybe then I could still enjoy one of nature's tree forts as a grown up.

My photo shoot yesterday was fun. I learned that I can't substitute a regular incandescent light for even part of the lighting of a photo. At least I think I get this, that the lighting is off color. Regular bulbs don't contain the full spectrum so it changes the colors in the photo. Fortunately the cat-o-pii are small so I balanced a cookie sheet on the window sill to take all the photos in stronger natural light. I didn't have time to do much editing but I put one photo on yesterday's post. Hopefully they turned out well.

Today's work is editing photos and posting a new product on etsy. This afternoon I go to Riley's to help him clean house and cook dinner. Then back to the photo project.

I have the goal this week of making more valentine cat-o-pii and getting them on display in a minimum of five local shops. 15 more cat-o-pii is what that means. I like making them. They're the quickest creature I make so far and they're just silly.

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