14 June 2010


Last week I had a little extra time and plenty of stock made so I decided to do design work, which I love. I made a new doll. This one is a different pattern for the head. It is much more 3 dimensional and I was excited to see how it turned out.

It turned out pretty cool. There are some things I learned for next time. It seems that cotton knit fabric does not hold the tiny filler fibers entirely. I have an endless supply of tiny strings of lint pushing through the fibers of the fabric. I use quilt batting inside the arms and legs and that isn't causing the same problem so I think I'll just line the belly and back with that from now on.

As far as the face is concerned I learned an interesting technique I'll try next time. I first make the head and stuff it. I then take thread and wrap and anchor it around the face creating indentations for eyes and chin etc. After this I am to take a stretchy fabric tube and pull it over the head, hiding the threads and hopefully keeping fluffing lint at bay.

This isn't the final outfit for the doll. This is practice set #1.

My favorite part about this has been deciding his facial appearance and hair. I used felted wool sewn into little tubes to create the dreadlocks. I tried several mouths before I settled on this one. I loved making these eyes. I'm not sure I like the combination of fabric glue and stitching I used to attach these.

I love how every little detail effects the feeling of the doll so much. I have a lot to learn and I like that.

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