23 May 2010

This week was blustery here in Eugene. This weather is always fun from the perch of my attic studio. Branches thump, pine cones crash, rain pitter patters. It's very exciting. I sewed catnip fish and monkeys. I revisited my 'simple monkey' design. I make monkeys in 3 styles, simple, regular, and long. The prices range accordingly. I sell greater quantities of lower priced items and so it follows that I would do best to keep more of the simpler stuff in stock. I resist a little because I like the details of a more elaborate creature. If it were up to me I would be pushing myself further and further toward the ornate. It's a good goal. In time.

So the simple monkey. It is cute with it's big head and small body. It is simpler than the 'regular monkey' in that it has no feet or wire in it's tail. It's ears and legs are not separate pieces, they're just part of the body pattern.

I revised my pattern for the catnip fish. Originally I made them as an after thought when I had a pile of oval shaped scraps. These ovals just aren't big enough, however to make a proper fat fish for kitties to really sink their teeth into. The two new test fish are a big hit around the house with Polly and Roca.

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